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- Do not forget that to visit the places of interest in the city of Cusco is essential to buy the Tourist Ticket. Otherwise you will have to pay a higher price for the entrance to the 16 main sites of interest within the city and surroundings...
Peru is a country of great extensions and difficult geography, for which it is advisable to travel by plane to know the main tourist attractions of Peru. From Lima there is a distance of 1,165 km (724 miles) to the city of Cuzco, a journey of 20 hours by bus and just 1 hour by plane...
Located in the south-eastern region of the Andes, the city of Cusco is the main tourist destination of Peru and one of the most important in America called by the Incas "house and abode of the gods". Cusco became the capital of one of the greatest pre-Columbian empires: the Tahuantinsuyo. Its name in Quechua, Qosqo means "navel of the world", because it left a vast network of roads linking practically all South America, from southern Colombia to northern Argentina...
I s accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru and additionally we fulfill all the legal requirements that the central and municipal government demand for the provision of tourist services in the national scope.
We have thought about the previous information you need for your trip. You will find not only a description of the main places and attractions of the city of Cusco, but also tell you what to take into account before, during and after leaving Peru.